
Inspiration Art – Björn Hurri

Bjorn Hurri is a concept artist, known for his imagination and working speed. He was born in Sweden, lives in London at Opus Artz.

In his free time he created a gallery using a series of illustrations to imagine Star Wars as a product of the 1870s instead of the 1970s. Here’s Yoda in a hookah bar on Dagobah. Below you can find  Chewbacca, Han Solo, Princess Leia, C-3PO and more. Jabba the Hutt is shockingly human and naked.

Steampunk Yoda

Steampunk Han Solo

Steampunk Chewbacca

Steampunk Luke Skywalker

Steampunk Princess Leia

Steampunk C3PO

Steampunk Jabba

If you want to see more of Björn works, visit his website.